
Thank you for your interest in our film projects.

We have the aim to present to you a documentary. In our journey we have decided to periodically share with you our findings and to stimulate dialogue. Every stretch we call a film project. Currently there are 2 film projects. We invite you to follow our developments here. Thanks again for your interest and feel free to reach out to us.


We have been selected

You are Your Profile - personal considerations in a digital world has been selected for:

4th annual Morehouse College Human Rights Film Festival

Social Justice Film Festival 2022

More on You are Your profile 2

Synopsis of film

Version: You are Your profile 2 (2021/2022)

You are Your profile - Personal considerations when online

The film ‘You are Your profile - Personal considerations when online’ (YaYp) is an exploration into the considerations people make when online. In this film a number of personal stories of young people is presented. The notion is that we all are active online in today’s more and more connected society. However, are we aware of the considerations we make when interacting with others and logging on to online platforms? How do we deal with the wrongdoings that might happen to us online? And are we aware of what is exactly happening, and can we actually control what happens, with our person data?

This film is part of the growing documentary project with a focus on the importance of being able to control your own person data online. Every year a new theme is chosen. The 2021 theme is ‘personal considerations when online’. Gradually almost every person's life is connected to the Internet and uses it in their daily lives. But how aware are we about the person data we share when we are connected to the Internet? For people this might have safety implications and it can harm our wellbeing and dignity. This film has the aim to enlight answers and to debate openly the future of our lives in an online connected society.

In 'You are Your profile - personal considerations when online' we follow the story of several (young) people with focus on their personal experiences, how they dealt with the (mis)use of (their) person data and what implications it has in their lives. One of the focusses is on how person data can suddenly be misused by someone else, for example, by blackmail, scams or sextortion. Besides a number of ‘negative’ stories we will also highlight less negative stories that contemplate about the future of the Internet and how to be active online. YaYp will showcase considerations made in the past leading towards the online connected society we live in today.

YaYp presents empowering stories that are able to raise awareness. Stories that show we can all be a victim online, but how do we prevent this? How aware are we? What would we have done differently? The stories are recorded, among others, in Amsterdam, Helmond and London.


We are @ Digital Rights Day Amsterdam [2022 + 2023]

We are @ Week van Digitaal Bewustzijn [2022 + 2023]

Social Justice Film Festival [2022]

You are Your Profile - personal considerations in a digital world has been selected for Social Justice Film Festival 2022 scheduled for September 28 - October 2.

Morehouse College Human Rights Film Festival [2022]

You are Your Profile - personal considerations in a digital world has been selected for the 4th annual Morehouse College Human Rights Film Festival scheduled for Tuesday, September 20 – Saturday, September 24 on the campus of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia.

We are @ EuroDIG [2022]

'How to put ‘Katowice IGF Messages’ into practice? – Pre 01 2022'

We are @ YOUthDIG [2022]

'Hey Youth! Warm up your engines and get ready to participate to the Eurodig – YOUthDIG 09 2022'

We are @ De Roode Bioscoop in Amsterdam [2022]

(In Dutch)

Doe mee aan het gesprek met de gemeente.

We are @ MozFest [2022]

We are looking forward spicing up the dialogue during MozFest.

We are @ Week van de Digitale Ethiek [2022]

We are looking forward contributing to Week van de Digitale Ethiek in The Hague.

We are @ Digital Rights Day [2021]

We are looking forward to participating in the 2021 Amsterdam edition of Digital Rights Day.

Workshop @ UN IGF in Katowice [2021]

6th December 2021 

You are Your profile (YaYp) - (not only) youth workshop

10:45 - 11:45 CET Time

Open discussion @ MozFest [2021]

Open discussion with MozFest participants on 15 March

Selected for screening during MozFest in 'Openness' space [2021]

The short film 'You are Your profile' has been selected for screening during 'MozFest' (Mozilla Festival) in the 'Openness' space.

Launch first stretch of documentary [2020]

The first stretch of the documentary launched on the 10th of December 2020 on 'UN Human Rights Day' in Amsterdam and during the talkshow on 'Digitale Burgerrechten' in a live cast. (The talkshow is in Dutch. The film is in English with Dutch subtitles.)

More on film project You are Your profile 1



You are Your profile

A film about considerations in an online connected society

An exploration in what is ‘social protection online’?


The film ‘You are Your profile’ (YaYp) is a growing research project with a focus on the importance of being able to control your own person data online. The project among other things will result in a documentary.

‘You are Your profile’ is a story about the status of ‘social protection online'. It has the aim to accelerate answers and to debate openly the future of our lives in an online connected society. The film is initiated by Jake Blok and Jerry de Mars.

This documentary questions the considerations made towards living in an online connected society. It focusses on recent developments in data gathering, related privacy questions and argues towards recognising the importance of dignity in an online connected society. YaYp will also showcase considerations made in that past leading towards the online connected society we live in today. Simultaneously, YaYp researches the role of a city within this connected area and looks at stories on a personal level within the city that show positive and negative outcomes related to privacy online. The city of Amsterdam is the city of focus of this first part of the documentary. 

Today we are living and working in a modern connected society. Each human being has rights granted by international human rights proclaimed in 1948 by the United Nations. Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Each human being has the right to live in dignity and with the protection of privacy. YaYp argues that when active online there is a lack of tools to be able to control your own person data, yourself.

For the first chapters of the growing documentary we focus on the themes of dignity, gathering of data, good and wrongdoings online and the role of a city in an online connected society.



You are Your profile (‘Jij bent je profiel’)

Een film over de overwegingen in een online verbonden samenleving

Een onderzoek naar wat is ‘sociale bescherming online’?

Korte inhoud:

De film ‘You are Your profile’ (YaYp) is een groeiend onderzoeksproject waarbij de nadruk ligt op het belang van controle over uw eigen persoonsgegevens online. Het project zal ondermeer opleveren een documentaire.

‘Jij bent je profiel’ is een verhaal over de status van ‘sociale bescherming online'. Het heeft als doel antwoorden te versnellen en openlijk te debatteren over de toekomst van ons leven in een online verbonden samenleving. De film is een initiatief van Jake Blok en Jerry de Mars.

Deze documentaire bevraagt ​​de overwegingen die worden gemaakt om in een online verbonden samenleving te leven. Het richt zich op recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van gegevensverzameling, gerelateerde privacy vraagstukken en pleit voor de erkenning van het belang van waardigheid in een online verbonden samenleving. YaYp zal ook de overwegingen uit het verleden laten zien die hebben geleid tot de online verbonden samenleving waarin we vandaag leven. Tegelijkertijd onderzoekt YaYp de rol van een stad binnen dit verbonden gebied en kijkt naar verhalen op persoonlijk niveau binnen de stad die positieve en negatieve uitkomsten laten zien met betrekking tot privacy online. De stad Amsterdam staat centraal in het eerste deel van de documentaire.

Tegenwoordig leven en werken we in een moderne verbonden samenleving. Ieder mens heeft rechten verleend door internationale mensenrechten die in 1948 door de Verenigde Naties zijn afgekondigd. Overwegende dat de erkenning van de inherente waardigheid en van de gelijke en onvervreemdbare rechten van alle leden van de menselijke familie de basis vormt voor vrijheid, gerechtigheid en vrede in de wereld. Ieder mens heeft het recht om waardig en met de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer te leven. YaYp stelt dat wanneer je online actief bent, er een gebrek is aan tools om zelf controle te hebben over je eigen persoonsdata.

Voor de eerste hoofdstukken van de groeiende documentaire richten we ons op de thema's waardigheid, de verzameling van data, goed en kwaad online en de rol van een stad in een online verbonden samenleving.